From the southernmost South, from Mar del Plata, Argentina, the manoAmano Circus Company tours around the world with its master piece of precision, vertigo and comedy. A duo of acrobats rests six meters high, fed by the most suffering tension, ready to break anything that may seem to be standing still. manoAmano Company exhibits how acrobatics takes a new shape when it is transferred from the floor that everybody steps on, to the air that everybody dreams of. This couple of tender characters put together simple situations sharing lots naughty sweet humor through powerful language of acrobatics. manoAmano does not fly, they know they never will, but they keep trying anyhow.

Street program
Mano A Mano
- King Tomislav Square - Korzo
- 28.08.
- 18:00 - 19:00
28.08. @ 18:00h - 19:00h
28.08. @ 20:00h - 21:00h
29.08. @ 17:30h - 18:30h
29.08. @ 19:30h - 20:30h
28.08. @ 20:00h - 21:00h
29.08. @ 17:30h - 18:30h
29.08. @ 19:30h - 20:30h
You can explore the rich program of Špancirfest 2024. in the program booklet, which you can download here.